● 주요학력
1995 ~ 2003 경상대학교 농화학과 (농학사)
2003 ~ 2005 경상대학교 환경생명화학과 토양학전공 (이학석사)
2005 ~ 2008 경상대학교 환경생명화학과 토양학전공 (이학박사)
● 주요경력
2008 - 2009 한국연구재단 해외 Post-doc, USA,
2008 - 2012 미국 South Dakota 주립대학교, Department of Plant Science, Post-doc
2010 - 2011 미국 South Dakota 주립대학교, Department of Plant Science, 시간강사
2012 - 현재 부산대학교 생명환경화학과 부교수
2013 - 현재 부산대학교 밀양캠퍼스 대학생활원 지도교수
2013 - 2015 한국환경농학회 재무간사
2013 - 2014 한국토양비료학회 섭외간사
2013 ? 2014 20th World Congress of Soil Science 조직위원
2015 - 현재 한국토양비료학회 연구간사
2015 - 현재 부산시 낙동강살리기 원탁회의 분과위원
2015 - 현재 한국토양비료학회 편집위원
2017 - 현재 Applied Biological Chemistry (SCI) 편집위원
● 가입학회
Soil Science Society of America
● 수상경력
2015 제25회 한국과학기술총연합회 우수논문상
● 전공연구분야
- 농경지에서 발생되는 온실가스 중 아산화질소(N2O) 발생저감을 위한 토양관리방안
- 카드뮴 및 비소로 오염된 토양의 화학적 안정화 기술 개발
- 토양학, 식물영양 및 비료학, 분석화학, 일반화학
● 연구 프로젝트
2013 - 2014 주요 녹비작물의 N, P, K 등의 무기화 양상 구명, 농촌진흥청
2013 ? 2015 주요 약용작물 재배토양의 중금속 노출 실태 모니터링, 농촌진흥청
2015 - 2016 경남북지역 취약농경지 토양중금속 변동조사, 농촌진흥청
2015 - 현재 유기농업자재에 포함된 비의도적 위해성 물질 토양 잔류량 평가, 농촌진흥청
2016 - 현재 영남지역 밭토양에서 가축분 종류별 아산화질소 배출계수 개발, 농촌진흥청
2016 - 현재 영남지역 벼논에서 볏짚 시용 시기별 메탄 보정계수 개발, 농촌진흥청
2016 ? 현재 전자공여체를 이용한 농경지 토양으로부터 아산화질소 배출저감 기술 개발,
2017 ? 현재 구연산(citric acid) 함유 농업 부산물에 의한 토양 내 카드뮴 부동화 효과의 구명,
● 논문
Effect of Phosphate Addition on Immobilization and Phytoavailability of Cadmium in Arable Soil
SCI(E) 논문
1. Effect of different way of bottom ash and compost application on phytoextractability of cadmium in contaminated arable soil. Applied Biological Chemistry 60 (2017) 353?362. Corresponding author.
2. Characterization of the Lsi1 Homologs in Cucurbita moschata and C. ficifolia for Breeding of Stock Cultivars Used for Bloomless Cucumber Production. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology 35 (2017) 333-343. Co-author.
3. Photodynamic apoptosis and antioxidant activities of Brassica napus extracts in U937 and SK-HEP-1 cells. Applied Biological Chemistry 60 (2017) 427?435. Co-author.
4. Contrasting effect of phosphate on phytoavailability of arsenic and cadmium in soils supporting medicinal plants. Applied Biological Chemistry 60 (2017) 119-128. Corresponding author.
5. Switchgrass Biomass Quality as Affected by Nitrogen Rate, Harvest Time, and Storage. Agronomy Journal 109 (2017) 86-96. Co-author.
6. Evaluating the impacts of landscape positions and nitrogen fertilizer rates on dissolved organic carbon on switchgrass land seeded on marginally yielding cropland. Journal of Environmental Management 171 (2016) 113-120. Co-author.
7. Effect of Phosphate Addition on Cadmium Precipitation and Adsorption in Contaminated Arable Soil with a Low Concentration of Cadmium. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:675?679. Corresponding author.
8. Nitrogen fertilizer and landscape position impacts on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from a landscape seeded to switchgrass. GCB Bioenergy (2015) 7, 836?849. Co-author.
9. Switchgrass Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer Across Diverse Environments in the USA: a Regional Feedstock Partnership Report. BioEnergy Research (2014) 7, 777-788. First author.
10. Soil pH Effect on Phosphate Induced Cadmium Precipitation in Arable Soil. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 93, 101-105. First author, Corresponding author.
11. Improved Production of Poly-γ-Glutamic Acid by Bacillus subtilis D7 Isolated from Doenjang, a Korean Traditional Fermented Food, and Its Antioxidant Activity. APPL BIOCHEM BIOTECH (2014) 173, 918-932. Co-author.
12. Comparative Effect of Two Different Types of Phosphate on Cadmium Uptake by Radish (Raphanus sativa L.) Grown in Arable Soil Affected by Mine Activity. COMMUN SOIL SCI PLAN (2014) 45, 1133-1148. First author, Corresponding author.
13. In vitro evaluation of new functional properties of poly-γ-glutamic acid produced by Bacillus subtilis D7. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (2014) 21, 153-158. Co-author.
14. Biomass yield from planted mixtures and monocultures of native prairie vegetation across a heterogeneous farm landscape. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON (2014) 186, 148-159. Co-author.
15. Nitrogen use in switchgrass grown for bioenergy across the USA. BIOMASS BIOENERG (2013) 58, 286-293. Corresponding author.
16. Nitrogen fertility and harvest management of switchgrass for sustainable bioenergy feedstock production in Illinois. IND CROP PROD (2013) 48, 19-27. Co-author.
17. Switchgrass, Big Bluestem, and Indiangrass Monocultures and Their Two- and Three-Way Mixtures for Bioenergy in the Northern Great Plains. BioEnergy Research (2013) 6, 229-239. First author.
18. Reduction of phosphorus release by liming from temporary flooded rice rotational system in greenhouse upland soil. ECOL ENG (2011) 37, 1239-1243. First author.
19. Effect of steel-making slag as a soil amendment on arsenic uptake by radish (Raphanus sativa L.) in an upland soil. BIOL FERT SOILS (2010) 36, 617-623. Co-author.
20. Comparison of oyster shell and calcium hydroxide as liming materials for immobilizing cadmium in upland soil. BIOL FERT SOILS (2010) 46, 491-498. First author.
21. Comparison of Phosphate Materials for Immobilizing Cadmium in Soil. ARCH ENVIRON CON TOX (2009) 58, 268-274. First author.
22. Heavy Metal Contamination of Arable Soil and Corn Plant in the Vicinity of a Zinc Smelting Factory and Stabilization by Liming. ARCH ENVIRON CON TOX (2009) 56, 190-200. First author.
23. Characteristics of boron accumulation by fly ash application in paddy soil. BIORESOURCE TECHNOL (2008) 99, 5928-5932. Co-author.
24. Feasibility of phosphate fertilizer to immobilize cadmium in a field. Chemosphere (2008) 70, 2009-2015. First author.
25. Liming Effects on Cadmium Stabilization in Upland Soil Affected by Gold Mining Activity. ARCH ENVIRON CON TOX (2007) 52, 496-502. First author.
1. Properties of the Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Dongchunghacho, a Newly Developed Korean Medicinal Insect-borne Mushroom: Mass-production and Pharmacological Actions. Journal of Life Science 27:247~266 (2017). 공동저자 .
2. Evaluation of Different Organic Materials in Reducing Cadmium Phytoavailability of Radish Grown in Contaminated Soil. Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer 50:12-20 (2017). 교신저자 .
3. Effect of Phosphate Application on Cadmium Extractability and its Uptake by Rice Cultivated in Contaminated Paddy Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 35(4):235-240 (2016). 교신저자 .
4. Monitoring of Heavy Metal (loid)s Contamination of Arable Soils near Industrial Complexes in Gyeongnam Province of South Korea. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 49(5), 589-597 (2016). 교신저자 .
5. Phosphate Associated Cadmium Immobilization Mechanism Depending on the Original Concentration of Cd in Soil. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 49(5), 429-433 (2016). 교신저자 .
6. Analysis of Functional Components of the Perilla Leaves (Perilla frutescens var. japonica Hara) Grown in Organic and Conventional Conditions. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 49(5), 517-523 (2016). 공동저자 .
7. The Effect of Bottom ash in Reducing Cadmium Phytoavailability in Cadmium-contaminated Soil. Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture 2016; 35(2):152-157. 교신저자 .
8. The Effect of Compost Application on Degradation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Petroleum-Contaminated Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2015; 34(4):268-273. 교신저자 .
9. Isolation and Characterization of Bacillus Strain as a Potential Biocontrol Agent. Journal of Life Science 2015 Vol. 25. No. 12. 1408~1414. 공동저자 .
10. Contrast Effect of Citric Acid and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid on Cadmium Extractability in Arable Soil. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 48(6), 634-640 (2015). 교신저자 .
11. Effects of Organic Matter Concentration in Soil on Phytoavailability of Cadmium in Medicinal Plants. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 48(5), 319-325 (2015). 교신저자 .
12. Monitoring of Cd, Hg, Pb, and As and Risk Assessment for Commercial Medicinal Plants. Korean J Environ Agric. 2015;34(4):282-287. 공동저자 .
13. Effect of Soil Chemical Properties on Phytoavailability of Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in Medicinal Plant Fields. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49(5) pp.267-277 (2015). 교신저자 .
14. Distribution of Cd and Pb Accumulated in Medicinal Plant Roots and Their Cultivation Soils. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 48(4), 278-284 (2015). 공동저자 .
15. Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus Multiplication and Impact on Grapevine. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49(3) pp.35-40. (2015). 공동저자 .
16. Effective Suppression of Methane Production by Chelating Nickel of Methanogenesis Cofactor in Flooded Soil Conditions. Korean J Environ Agric. 2014;33(4):282-289. 공동저자 .
17. Nitrogen Dynamics in the Soils Incorporated with Single and Mixture Application of Hairy vetch and Barley. Korean J Environ Agric. 2014;33(4):298-305. 교신저자 .
18. Determining Effect of Oyster Shell on Cadmium Extractability and Mechanism of Immobilization in Arable Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2014;33(4):245-253. 주저자 .
19. Effect of Combined Application of Bottom Ash and Compost on Heavy Metal Concentration and Enzyme Activities in Upland Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2014;33(4):262-270. 공동저자 .
20. Estimation in a Model for Determining the Amount of Carbon in Soil and Measurement of the Influences of the Specific Factors. Korean J Environ Sci. 2014;23(11):1827-1833. 공동저자 .
21. Molecular cloning of the cDNA of Heat shock Protein 88 Gene from the Entomopathogenic Fungus, Paecilomyces tenuipes Jocheon-1.International Journal of Industrial Entomology 2014;28(2):71-14. 공동저자 .
22. The Influence of Abnormally Low Temperatures on Growth and Yield of Hot Pepper(Capsicum Annum L.). Korean J Environ Sci. 2014;23(5):781-786. 공동저자 .
23. Economic Impacts of Abnormal Climate on Total Output of Red Pepper. Korean J Environ Sci. 2014;23(4):707-713. 공동저자 .
24. Isolation and Identification of a Photosensitizer from Pueraria thunbergiana Leaves that Induces Apoptosis in SK-HEP-1 Cells. Journal of Life Science 2014;24(3):242-251. 공동저자 .
25. Effects of Compost Application and Plastic Mulching on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Upland Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2013;32(4):260-267. 교신저자 .
26. The Economic Impacts of Abnormal Climate on Fall Chinese Cabbage Farmers and Consumers. Korean J Environ Sci. 2013;22(12):1691-1698. 공동저자 .
27. Keratinase Production by Recalcitrant Feather Degrading Pseudomonas Geniculata and Its Plant Growth Promoting Activity. Korean J Environ Sci. 2013;22(11):1457-1464. 공동저자 .
28. Effect of Compost and Tillage on Soil Carbon Sequestration and Stability in Paddy Soil. Korean J Environ Sci. 2013;22(11):1509-1517. 주저자 .
29. Fermentation Characteristics of Chungkookjang Prepared Using Different Soybean. Korean J Environ Sci. 2013;22(6):723-732. 공동저자 .
30. The Influence of Temperature, Amino acid and Polyamine on Pollen Germination of Pepper(Capsicum annum L.) . Korean J Environ Agric. 2014;47(2):1-8. 공동저자 .
31. The Influence of Abnormally Low Temperatures on Growth and Yield of Hot Pepper(Capsicum Annum L.). Korean J Environ Agric. 2014;23(5):781-786. 공동저자 .
32. Liming Effect on Cadmium Immobilization and Phytoavailability in Paddy Soil Affected by Mining Activity. Korean J Environ Agric. 2013;32(1):1-8. 주저자 .
33. Characteristics of Chungkookjang Prepared by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens with Different Soybeans and Fermentation Temperatures. Korean Journal of Microbiology. 2013;49(1):71-77. 공동저자 .
34. The Impacts of High Temperature and Heavy Precipitation Amount on Winter Chinese Cabbage Yields. Korean J Environ Sci. 2013;22(2):235-242. 공동저자 .
35. The Impacts of Changes of Temperature and Precipitation Amount on Red Pepper Yields. Korean J Environ Sci. 2012;21(12):1503-1510. 공동저자 .
36. Effect of Phosphate Fertilizer and Manure in Reducing Cadmium Phytoavailability in Radish-grown Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2011;30(3):261-267. 주저자 .
37. Evaluation of Phosphorus Release Potential in Arable land with Different Landuse by Phosphorus Threshold. Korean J Environ Agric. 2010;29(4):343-347. 공동저자 .
38. Effect of Organic Residue Incorporation on Salt Activity in Greenhouse Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2009;28(4):397-402. 공동저자 .
39. Effect of Irrigation Water Salinization on Salt Accumulation of Plastic Film House Soil around Sumjin River Estuary. Korean J Environ Agric. 2008;27(4):349-355. 공동저자 .
40. Effects of Fly Ash and Gypsum Mixture on Reducing Phosphorus Loss from Paddy Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2008;27(1):66-71. 공동저자 .
41. Determination of Cadmium and Zinc Contamination Source in Arable Soil in the Vicinity of a Zinc Smelting Factory. Korean J Environ Agric. 2007;26(3):204-209. 주저자 .
42. Evaluating Possibility of Heavy Metal Accumulation by Fly Ash Application in Rice Paddy Soils. Korean J Environ Agric. 2006;25(4):331-338. 주저자 .
43. Dynamics of Heavy Metals in Soil Amended with Oyster Shell Meal. Korean J Environ Agric. 2005;24(4):358-363. 공동저자 .
44. Reversed Effects of Phosphate Fertilizer on Reducing Phytoavailability of Cadmium in Mine Tailing Affected Soil. Korean J Environ Agric. 2005;24(3):210-214. 주저자